2023 (October Term)
H.V.Z. v. United States and Fewell, 85 M.J. 8 (Article 6b, UCMJ, guarantees certain rights to victims of UCMJ offenses and establishes procedures for the vindication of those rights; when a victim believes that a military judge's ruling violates her Article 6b rights; Article 6b(e)(1), UCMJ, authorizes the victim to immediately petition the relevant CCA for a writ of mandamus ordering the trial court to comply with Article 6b, UCMJ; Article 6b, UCMJ, does not specify a victim petitioner's burden of proof when seeking a writ of mandamus from the CCA, but to prevail on a writ of mandamus, a petitioner generally must show that: (1) there is no other adequate means to attain relief; (2) the right to issuance of the writ is clear and indisputable; and (3) the issuance of the writ is appropriate under the circumstances).
(in Article 6b(e), UCMJ, Congress granted victims of UCMJ offenses the opportunity to petition the CCA for a writ of mandamus, but it did not dictate a burden of proof that those victims must establish to obtain a writ; in the absence of a legislative directive establishing otherwise, there is no basis for an appellate court to deviate from the ordinary burden imposed on writ petitioners, which it may be presumed that Congress understood and intended to have apply).
(a victim is required to establish a clear and indisputable right to a writ of mandamus).
(to justify reversal of a discretionary decision by mandamus, the judicial decision must amount to more than even gross error; it must amount to a judicial usurpation of power, or be characteristic of an erroneous practice which is likely to recur).
(in this case, the military judge did not commit clear and indisputable error when he determined that the victim's health and mental health records were in the possession, custody, or control of military authorities for the purposes of RCM 701(a)(2) allowing the defense to inspect any documents in the possession, custody, or control of military authorities; the medical treatment facility that held the records was located on a military base that served active duty military members, retirees, and their families, was commanded by a military officer, and its mission included military readiness; considering the deference afforded to the military judge in the procedural posture of this case, the plain meaning of military authorities can be construed to include this medical treatment facility).
(in this case, under MRE 513(e), the military judge was required to provide the victim with the opportunity to be heard on the production of her mental health records, and his conclusion that the victim lacked standing to oppose the production of her medical and mental health records amounted to clear and indisputable error).
2022 (October Term)
Fink v. Y.B., 83 M.J. 222 (the CAAF has jurisdiction under Article 67(a)(3), UCMJ, to review a writ-appeal petition filed by an accused that seeks review of a decision of a CCA on a petition for extraordinary relief filed under Article 6b(e)(1), UCMJ).
(the CAAF’s decision in Randolph v. HV, 76 M.J. 27, 30-31 (CAAF 2017) (holding that the CAAF did not have jurisdiction to hear the appeal filed by an accused that sought review of a CCA’s decision on a petition for extraordinary relief filed under Article 6b(e)(1), UCMJ) has been superseded by statute, namely, by an amendment to Article 67(c), UCMJ, in the 2017 NDAA; as amended, Article 67(c)(1)(B), UCMJ, expands the CAAF’s scope of review to act with respect to a decision, judgment, or order by a military judge, as affirmed or set aside as incorrect in law by a CCA).
(the CAAF must satisfy itself that it has jurisdiction before it can act on a writ-appeal petition, and it decides the question of jurisdiction de novo; if it lacks jurisdiction, it must dismiss the writ-appeal petition; but if it has jurisdiction, it may either grant or deny review of the issues presented in the petition, depending on whether appellant has shown “good cause” for its review).
(the amendment to Article 67(c), UCMJ, in the 2017 NDAA changed the CAAF’s jurisdiction; under the new Article 67(c)(1)(B), the CAAF is no longer limited to acting on the findings or sentence of a court-martial; it now may also address a military judge’s decision or order on interlocutory questions; accordingly, granting a writ-appeal filed by the accused to review a decision of a military judge on a matter such as the admissibility of evidence fits within the plain language of Article 67(a)(3) and (c)(1)(B), UCMJ).
(if the victim of an offense challenges a decision or order of a military judge by petitioning a CCA for mandamus under Article 6b(e), UCMJ, and if the CCA affirms or sets aside the decision or order of the military judge, then the accused may petition the CAAF for review under Article 67(a)(3), UCMJ, and the CAAF may act with respect to the military judge’s decision or order under Article 67(c)(1)(B), UCMJ).
2020 (October Term)
United States v. Brown, 81 M.J. 1 (the All Writs Act grants the power to all courts established by Act of Congress to issue all writs necessary or appropriate in aid of their respective jurisdiction and agreeable to the usages and principles of law; the All Writs Act is not an independent grant of jurisdiction, nor does it expand a court’s existing statutory jurisdiction; rather, the All Writs Act requires two determinations: (1) whether the requested writ is in aid of the court’s jurisdiction; and (2) whether the requested writ is necessary or appropriate).
(to determine whether a requested writ is in aid of a lower court’s jurisdiction, an appellate court must first determine the scope and authority for the lower court’s statutory jurisdiction; the second determination concerns whether a requested writ implicates a lower court’s subject-matter jurisdiction over the case or controversy; and to establish subject-matter jurisdiction, a lower court must find that the harm alleged have the potential to directly affect the findings and sentence).
(the Supreme Court has held that the power to issue writs is not confined to the issuance of writs in aid of a jurisdiction already acquired by appeal; the power also extends to the potential jurisdiction of the appellate court where an appeal is not then pending but may be later perfected; the doctrine of potential jurisdiction allows appellate courts to issue opinions in matters that may reach the actual jurisdiction of the court).
2015 (September Term)
EV v. United States, 75 M.J. 331 (the writ of mandamus is a drastic and extraordinary remedy reserved for really extraordinary causes).
(under Article 6b(e), UCMJ, the victim of a sexual assault may petition the CCA for a writ of mandamus to require a court-martial to comply with MRE 513, relating to the psychotherapist-patient privilege, and with MRE 412, relating to the admission of evidence regarding a victim’s sexual background).
(in this case, where an alleged sexual assault victim seeks a writ of mandamus from CAAF to correct an alleged abuse of discretion by the military judge relating to the release of certain of her mental health records to the defense, and where the CCA, to whom the petition was first directed under Article 6b(e), UCMJ, denied relief, CAAF lacks jurisdiction to decide the petition on the merits; Article 6b, UCMJ, is quite straightforward; it is a clear and unambiguous grant of limited jurisdiction to CCAs to consider petitions by alleged victims of sexual assault for a writ of mandamus to require a court-martial to comply with MRE 513, relating to the psychotherapist-patient privilege and MRE 412, relating to the admission of evidence regarding a victim’s sexual background; there is no mention whatsoever of CAAF; Congress having legislated in this area and bestowed certain third-party rights on alleged victims, CAAF must be guided by the choices Congress has made; Congress certainly could have provided for further judicial review in this novel situation, but it did not; Congress having now legislated in the area, CAAF is bound by the choices it made).
2013 (September Term)
United States v. Wicks, 73 M.J. 93 (in an Article 62, UCMJ, interlocutory appeal, an appellate court reviews a military judge’s decision directly and reviews evidence in the light most favorable to the prevailing party at trial; in reviewing a military judge’s ruling on a motion to suppress, the court reviews factfinding under the clearly-erroneous standard and conclusions of law under the de novo standard; the same standard is applied when reviewing evidentiary rulings; on mixed questions of law and fact, a military judge abuses his discretion if his findings of fact are clearly erroneous or his conclusions of law are incorrect; the abuse of discretion standard calls for more than a mere difference of opinion; the challenged action must be arbitrary, clearly unreasonable, or clearly erroneous).
2012 (September Term)
United States v. Salyer, 72 M.J. 415 (the normative method for challenging a military judge’s legal ruling is to seek an appeal of that ruling; this might be done on an interlocutory basis, and generally the appeal will be given precedence by an appellate court; the normative method for addressing a military judge’s substantive ruling is not to seek a military judge’s disqualification and get a new ruling from a replacement military judge; and, it is not to have the government communicate in an ex parte manner with the military judge’s judicial supervisor and express displeasure with the ruling).
Hasan v. Gross, 71 M.J. 416 (to prevail on a writ of mandamus, appellant must show that: (1) there is no other adequate means to attain relief; (2) the right to issuance of the writ is clear and indisputable; and (3) the issuance of the writ is appropriate under the circumstances).
2008 (September Term)
v. United States, 68 M.J. 1 (under the
standards of 28 USC § 2254(d), a
habeas review of a constitutional claim would normally employ a
review of the challenged decision).
establish prejudice for an ineffective assistance of counsel claim with
to sentencing in a capital case, the new evidence that a habeas
presents must differ in a substantial way - in strength and subject
matter -
from the evidence actually presented at sentencing).
v. United States, 66 M.J. 114 (for a writ
appeal, the CAAF considers the
record developed at trial and on direct appeal; it also considers the
filed by the parties in the course of the writ proceedings at the court
criminal appeals and the appeal to the CAAF; based on the foregoing,
the CAAF
considers whether a decision on the writ appeal can be reached on the
before it, or whether a more fully developed factual record is required
to reaching a decision on the merits).
(under the exhaustion of remedies doctrine,
courts outside the military justice system normally refrain from
review of courts-martial until all available military remedies are
(as a general matter, courts
outside the
military justice system will not entertain habeas petitions by military
prisoners until all available military remedies have been exhausted;
the exhaustion requirement is prudential rather than jurisdictional;
circumstances of a particular case might warrant consideration of a
petition by an Article
(even when remedies have been
exhausted, the
scope of collateral review outside the military justice system is
by the requirement to consider whether the military justice system has
full and fair consideration to the claims at issue; de novo review is
appropriate only if the military justice system manifestly refused to
those claims).
(a writ of error coram nobis
requests the
court that imposed the judgment to consider exceptional circumstances,
such as
new facts or legal developments, that may change the result).
(the decision of the court of
criminal appeals
on a writ petition is subject to appellate review).
(coram nobis permits
continuation of
litigation after final judgment and exhaustion or waiver of any
statutory right
of review, but only under very limited circumstances; although a
petition may
be filed at any time without limitation, a petitioner must meet
threshold requirements: (1) the alleged
error is of the most fundamental character; (2) no remedy other than
nobis is available to rectify the consequences of the error; (3) valid
exist for not seeking relief earlier; (4) the new information presented
in the
petition could not have been discovered through the exercise of
diligence prior to the original judgment; (5) the writ does not seek to
reevaluate previously considered evidence or legal issues; and (6) the
has been served, but the consequences of the erroneous conviction
States v. Beck, 56 MJ 426 (issuance of an
writ staying court-martial proceedings requires the careful exercise of