States v. Miley, 59 MJ 300 (where the vacation hearing
officer's decision and recommendation to the GCMCA did not comply with
requirements of R.C.M. 1109, the Court of Criminal Appeals erred in
the findings and sentence).
process of
vacating a suspended sentence of a general court-martial is governed by
72, UCMJ, and R.C.M. 1109, both of which require that the SPCMCA (1)
conduct a
hearing on the alleged violation of the conditions of suspension and
transmit a record of that hearing and his/her recommendation to the
GCMCA; upon
receipt of the package, the GCMCA is required to review the record and
SPCMCA’s recommendation and decide whether the probationer violated a
of suspension; if so, the GCMCA must decide whether to vacate the
sentence; if a decision is made to vacate the suspended sentence, the
required to prepare a written statement of the evidence relied on and
reasons for that decision).
agree that
the SPCMCA is required to provide an evaluation of any contested facts
and a
determination of whether the facts, as found, warrant vacation of the
suspension; that obligation arises as a requirement under R.C.M.
the rule requires the SPCMCA to personally hold a hearing on the
violation of the conditions of suspension, make a summarized record of
hearing, and to transmit both the record and a written recommendation
concerning vacation to the GCMCA; the SPCMCA acts as the GCMCA’s eyes
and ears
during this process and is the only official to personally observe the
of the witnesses).
requirements set forth in R.C.M. 1109(d)(1) would have little meaning
if the
SPCMCA was not required to resolve any contested evidentiary questions
provide the basis for that resolution to the GCMCA; to the extent that
hearing contemplated by R.C.M. 1109(d)(1) is the only hearing conducted
the vacation process, it makes little sense to conclude that the rule
does not
require that any facts actually be salted down at the hearing;
accordingly, the
written recommendation required of the SPCMCA under R.C.M.
1109(d)(1)(D) must
include both an evaluation of the contested facts and a determination
of whether
the facts warrant vacation).
this case,
the SPCMCA's comments at the conclusion of the suspension hearing fell
short of
fulfilling the requirements of R.C.M. 1109(d)(1)(D); she failed to
evaluate the
facts and chose to make a recommendation based on equitable grounds;
this was
there may
well be forms of error committed by an SPCMCA in fulfilling his or her
responsibilities under R.C.M. 1109(d)(1) that a GCMCA's compliance with
1109(d)(2) might remedy, a failure to evaluate and determine the
facts is not one of them; the record produced by and the recommendation
of the
SPCMCA is the basis upon which the GCMCA must decide whether the
violated a condition of suspension, and, if so, decide whether to
vacate the
suspended sentence).
review of the record and his or her ultimate decision represents a
right because the GCMCA may for any reason or no reason at all decide
not to
vacate the agreed-upon suspension; however, without any resolution of
facts and/or determinations of witness credibility by the SPCMCA, the
left with an insufficient record upon which to base his or her ultimate
this case,
the GCMCA correctly set forth his decision and the evidence that he
relied upon
in making that decision; however, the record that he relied upon was
devoid of
an integral step -- the resolution of critical fact questions by the
appellant had a substantial right to that step in the process and we
will not speculate
as to what decision the GCMCA may have made if the SPCMCA had properly
evaluated and resolved the contested facts in the record; accordingly,
action of the GCMCA in vacating the suspension of the sentence must be
States v. Miley, 51 MJ 232 (conflicting and incomplete
affidavits left record unacceptable for appellant review of lawfulness
revocation of suspension; further proceedings pursuant to United
States v.
DuBay, 17 USCMA 147, 37 CMR 411 (1967), were necessary to
questions or, if those proceedings were impracticable, a new vacation
proceeding was authorized).
States v. Dawson, 51 MJ 411 (under circumstances of this
it was appropriate for an accused who sought some benefit from waiving
vacation proceeding to do so through communications and agreement
directly with
the convening authority; such negotiations do not require the approval
of a
military judge because, just like dismissal of pending charges, they
matters within the prerogative of commanders and do not involve a
of the original pretrial agreement).
(an accused may waive defects in a vacation proceeding and avoid a new vacation proceeding through communications and agreement directly with the convening authority; such an agreement is collateral to the original court-martial, but remains subject to appellate review of claims that an appellant misunderstood the agreement’s meaning and effect or that there was government overreaching).
States v. Mitchell, 51 MJ 490 (where a portion of the
sentence is suspended based upon a promise to make restitution in a
agreement, a probationer who cannot comply with the pretrial agreement
his own fault is not permitted to use indigence to excuse his failure
to comply
with the agreement and defend against revocation of the suspension;
good faith
remains the linchpin of the analysis).
(the Due Process Clause does not protect an accused against
revocation of a
suspension when that accused offers to make full restitution, knowing
full well
that he cannot; nor does it protect an accused who fails to take timely
reasonable steps to safeguard his assets so that he can make
restitution as
(convening authority was justified in concluding that appellant
bargained in bad faith by misrepresenting his net worth, or that
failed to take reasonable steps to safeguard his assets and convert
them to
cash after he was convicted and sentenced; either is indicative of bad
and supports vacation of appellant’s suspended sentence).